63-Year-Old Flavor Flav Reveals He Has a 3-Year-Old Son

Maury is ending too soon. He would have definitely loved to have Flavor Flav’s recent paternity test for his show. The iconic hypeman of Public Enemy revealed that he is the father of a three-year-old boy.

According to TMZ, Flav, 63, got a paternity test done to confirm that 3-year-old Jordan is his son. Jordan’s maternal grandparents, Barry and Parchi, reveal Jordan’s mother, Kate, used to manage Flav for years. Within that time the two had a romantic relationship.

Flav was unsure if he was the father but a paternity test revealed that he was. TMZ confirms child support and a custody arrangement between the parties involved and Flav is taking an active role in Jordan’s life.

Jordan is Flavor Flav’s eighth child.