Skip Bayless Turns To Playground Insults After Russell Westbrook Trade

Skip Bayless had been waiting for another opportunity to attack LeBron.
Skip Bayless’ hatred for LeBron James has always been on another level. In fact, Bayless has proven himself to be a cartoonishly evil character that finds any way to laugh and discredit LeBron’s accomplishments. Skip’s entire persona is made specifically for the camera and there is no doubt that it brings in ratings. Whether or not this persona actually contributes to productive basketball conversations, is a completely different conversation.
Today, Skip had a whole new reason to rain on LeBron’s parade as the Lakers traded for Russell Westbrook. Russ is another player that Skip has had problems with, and while taking to Twitter, Bayless explained why the trade is horrible for LeBron and the Lakers.
Rob Carr/Getty Images
“LeBron James is still the best passer in basketball. Lakers are best when he’s playing PG, initiating the offense,” Bayless began. “And now they’ve added RUSSELL WESTBROOK? I realize LeBron needs to surround himself with all the stars (and help) he can get – BUT NOT THIS STAR. Desperate disaster.” Bayless went on to continue his rant by claiming that Westbrook will be a good player at first, although once the playoffs come around, he will revert back to a ball hog.
Bayless continued to rant even more as he called Russ and LeBron “Westbrick and LeBrick.” Needless to say, Bayless was given plenty of fodder to work with tonight, and he won’t be letting up when the season starts.
Skip Bayless had been waiting for another opportunity to attack LeBron.
Skip Bayless’ hatred for LeBron James has always been on another level. In fact, Bayless has proven himself to be a cartoonishly evil character that finds any way to laugh and discredit LeBron’s accomplishments. Skip’s entire persona is made specifically for the camera and there is no doubt that it brings in ratings. Whether or not this persona actually contributes to productive basketball conversations, is a completely different conversation.
Today, Skip had a whole new reason to rain on LeBron’s parade as the Lakers traded for Russell Westbrook. Russ is another player that Skip has had problems with, and while taking to Twitter, Bayless explained why the trade is horrible for LeBron and the Lakers.
Rob Carr/Getty Images
“LeBron James is still the best passer in basketball. Lakers are best when he’s playing PG, initiating the offense,” Bayless began. “And now they’ve added RUSSELL WESTBROOK? I realize LeBron needs to surround himself with all the stars (and help) he can get – BUT NOT THIS STAR. Desperate disaster.” Bayless went on to continue his rant by claiming that Westbrook will be a good player at first, although once the playoffs come around, he will revert back to a ball hog.
Bayless continued to rant even more as he called Russ and LeBron “Westbrick and LeBrick.” Needless to say, Bayless was given plenty of fodder to work with tonight, and he won’t be letting up when the season starts.