President Trump Uses T.I.’s ‘Whatever You Like’ to Diss Joe Biden

Before his tenure as President, Donald Trump’s name used to float all through Hip-Hop. Now he is using rap music to troll Democratic nominee former Vice President Joe Biden.

The campaign diss takes T.I.’s “Whatever You Like” to put down Biden.

“Yea, I don’t want Joe Biden/Don’t need Joe Biden/As long as you got me, you don’t need Joe Biden.”

You can hear and watch it below.

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#PressPlay: Meanwhile, over there on Snapchat, an account that seemingly belongs to #DonaldTrump, shares this message.

A post shared by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom) on

T.I. has not issued a statement about the use of his song but if he was not contacted first, you can believe the matter will be handled “expeditiously.”