Nicki Minaj Shares MugShot to Instagram

Like many celebrities, everyone has a come-up story. In a post and delete to her Instagram, Nicki Minaj shares her 2003 arrest mugshot with fans. In light of the rapper’s return from hiatus, Nicki Minaj also released her 2009 mixtape “Beam Me Up Scotty” to streaming services with the addition of three new tracks Fractions, Crocidile Teeth, and Seeing Green featuring Drake and Lil Wayne.

“It took me years to b able to look at things like this,” Nicki penned. “Criminal possession of a weapon with intent to use. I did use it tho. This is so inspiring now looking back,” she added. “The girl was leaking blood and spent days in the hospital. The word on the street was that I was gonna b deported. I was so scared. Lol. I was ‘on the run’. I rlly thought I was in a ghetto movie. I hid my car and went to stay wit my Aunt in Brooklyn chile. Bwahahaaaaa. #Growth.”

The rapper ended the post by plugging the release of her latest mixtape.

While many are happy to see the Queen link up with her YMCMB family, Nicki Minaj revealed that she didn’t feel like she had the best verse on their recent single, Seeing Green. “All I know is that they washed me on #SeeingGreen,” she stated. “I’m a woman enough to admit when I’ve been washed on a track by the Greats. And it’s ok #Barbz I’ve washed them b4. We’ll live through this one. I was still a lil rusty. I washed them in my head on #Fractions.”