Jimmy Jazz Gives Away Over 1K Pairs Of Kicks To Families Across NYC

This past week, to celebrate the 2021 holiday season, Jimmy Jazz gave back in the best way they know how – with sneakers. Jimmy Jazz gave away over 1,000 pairs of sneakers across New York City. The give back included four events starting with the Jordan 11 “Cool Grey” Sneaker release celebration in Brooklyn, continued in the Bronx at Allie’s Place along with Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club, and concluded in Harlem at P.S. 197 John B. Russwurm.
The Jordan 11 “Cool Grey” Sneaker release celebration was held on Saturday, December 11th, at their Fulton Street, Brooklyn retail location. Winners from the website’s online raffle received a free gift with the purchase along with Chopped Cheese breakfast provided by the Bodega Truck.

As part of the celebration, Jimmy Jazz launched their Unexpected Creativity campaign. Jimmy Jazz collaborated with 11 creators from the tri-state area. The creators that were chosen, put their own creative spin by telling their stories on the cool greys, from nail art, paintings, and even creating their own rendition to the sneaker and sharing on social media. These creators took things to the next level with these sneakers and didn’t come to play thinking outside of the box. The Creators included: @OGmillie @nailsculptress @veratwinsart @ness.3000 @eatlikeyoureondeathrow_ @ghicapopa @djjstar @emmymercado Neighborhodkids @slingshot.
Bronx stops included Allie’s Place, a shelter used to help get families back on their feet, children received sneakers and toys to help lift holiday spirits on Tuesday the 14th. The third event was held on Thursday, December 16th at the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club. Jimmy Jazz gave away over 200 pairs of Nike Sneakers at this location. The event included interactive holiday activities, pictures with Santa Claus, balloon animals with elves and a coloring station.
Lehra Brooks, a parent of the Throgs Neck community, was so thankful to Jimmy Jazz. “Once again Kips Bay is reaching out to the community to make sure children continue to do well. For them to ensure the children get Christmas and holidays despite COVID. I think that’s awesome and they don’t miss a beat, Thanksgiving, Christmas they always make sure they do something for the kids. I thank Jimmy Jazz for reaching out to the Throgs Neck community.”
Charlton Clarke, Activities Director at the Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club of Throgs Neck said, “We are extremely thankful for Jimmy Jazz creating this opportunity for these young kids in our community. It’s always a blessing for organizations to share stuff like this with kids. It keeps them hopeful and we want them to be thankful to understand that hard work and opportunity usually leads to great success.”
The concluding event was held on Saturday, December 18th, at John B. Russwurm Elementary School. Jimmy Jazz gave away Adidas sneakers and toys to over 300 children.
“When people see people from their community give back it inspires them to one day pay it forward. It shows the community of Harlem is looking out for each other. Santa and I thank Jimmy Jazz and Adidas.” said Kevin, Founder of Take Care Of Harlem, “Partnerships like this are very important because it shows that other people care.”
A final event with Puma and RJ Barrett of the NY Knicks was to be held on Sunday, December 18th at the Flagship Harlem Store but out of an abundance of precaution was canceled due to the number of COVID cases increasing across the city.